Saturday, December 19, 2009

i'm feeling like God has something to say.

I'm not sure what it is Journal, but I'll guess I'll just write. So, today I woke up and looked in the mirror and in my head said, "DANG! I look goooood tooooday! Yeah!" Bahaha and then I thought about how many people say that out loud and personally I've done this and not thought that they were the most attractive people, and said," Awww you look pretty everyday!" but really been thinking, "Bless her heart poor thing." And so, I was wondering how many people thought that of me, but then did an OH SO CLICHE internal statement of "Who cares, because no matter what I'm beautiful in God's eyes." And really a lot of the time when people say that it's because really they can't get over the fact that they either think they are above it all, or they really like looking at themselves in the mirror that day and can't possibly imagine someone not wanting THAT. I mean really, LOOK AT ME! Daaaang girl. So, my story continues, I get into the car and run my fingers through my hair because I'm just THAT cool today (my self-esteem at an all-day high) and fingers get stuck. They get stuck in the rat's nest that must have crept it's way into my lion's main during the night and being in a rush this morning I skipped the hair brushing part of my routine. After trying to manually pry the thing apart, I got it...and the back of my head also looked like I got into a fight with a bear with hair tangling CLAWS!
I put in a lot of effort to try to make myself look a little better, and not only did it look bad in the first place and I made it worse, but I saw it getting worse but I kept going at it because I thought maybe if I just did a little more damage in the end it would all end up ok. My hair would look great like the rest of me. And it didn't. And it hurt because any girl will tell you that when you have to handle one of those suckers, it requires tug-of-war skills and a lot of patience. And when you have neither, you tend to rely on the abilities you DO have. And when you take it into your hands, you end up messing things up.
So, if you're tagging along with the moral of my little tale, I guess at this point, you're wondering (just like me) where the analogy fits in with the fact that no matter what you did, even if you were patient and waited to even touch it until you got home. Well...Oh! God speaking...Well, nobody is perfect. Sometimes God is going to humble you, and that doesn't mean He doesn't love you or isn't there, but he's showing you that He is more important than you're problems, and if you lose sight of that and forget about that (let alone trusting that he'll work things out) then, you're heart is in the wrong place, and you're letting your head mess with YOU a little too much.
Journal, this is all I have for today, but until next time, forget about the hairy mess, and remember that GOD has it in control. When you're in a rush, you forget about the important things...
I guess God DID have something to say!

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