Wednesday, December 23, 2009

guess what?! i actually care about what i look like.

Dear Journal, it is kinda interesting when you hear all the people who try and tell you that God doesn't care what you look like on the outside and therefor you really don't/shouldn't exert that much energy trying to look good. Now I know there are people who cross the line, getting boob jobs or new faces or bla bla bla, but then there are also those who are on the negative scale who almost try to look bad to make it seem like they really don't care! But Journal, I like to look at it this way. God gives us our body as...a rental. We use it in life when we need it, but really it belongs to Him. So, let's say you have a rental car, and you're on your trip, and you just decide that you'll not wash it and write "wash me" on the back window, leave all your trash inside of it and destroy the seats, and you even crash it a few times, then bring it back to the dealership. And, SUPRISE! They are po'd to the max. Well, I'm pretty sure God would be pissed if we trashed our rental and brought it back to Him a mess.
Journal, I always hear girls say that they don't want to wear makeup because one day when they are married, their husband will wake up to someone he's never seen before. Well, ladies...maybe if you didn't plaster on mascara and eyeliner and not look like freaking wannabe barbie everyday, and just made it natural and enhanced what you do have, not add on what you don't, you wouldn't have to worry as much about it and at the same time you can be beautiful. I'm pretty sure it's impossible for God to make someone ugly. Like really ugly. But then why do I see people that make me want to rip my eyes out? Because they either 1) let themselves go, or 2) they try so hard to be unnaturally beautiful, it starts catching up with them and pretty much guarantees that the public eye will be scarred by their decision to leave the house that day. I mean really, sometimes I feel offended by someone from just looking at them.
I don't have much more to say on this topic, I really just wanted to clarify that it is OK to want to look good and actually take a little effort in the morning to get ready instead of rolling out of bed five minutes after class starts and...gracing...everyone with your presence. Even though you shouldn't worry too much what others think, just do it for yourself, and more importantly God. It will be appreciated by Him, by your boyfriend/anyone else, and me. Haha!
Until next time Journal, stay beautiful.

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