Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wow, if they let ME in...

It's a very uninteresting experience sitting in a room for three hours twice a week as a teacher shows you all the cool things he can do with photoshop and flash player, expect you to learn from his greatness and then, when you don't, mark you down for some absurdity, like stuttering. I'm sorry, sir, I can't help it if I'm not the best speaker. Last time I checked, however, I'm an art major, not a powerpoint presentation major. But, I suppose I must be patient. Well journal, maybe this will turn into a Karate Kid thing, maybe these dumb assignments will make me be able to defend myself against the "dark arts..." Ok, sorry Journal.
But, I want to make a point about education in general Journal. I feel like even in this class, this boring almost unnecessary 1/8 of my day, I'm still learning more than I did in most classes in high school. I have found that in college Journal, school isn't about just getting by and getting a little better than "by" so you can go to a decent school. In high school, you basically learn: how to cheat, how to write an "A" paper on a book you read on SparkNotes, how to convince a teacher that they said the test was next week, and best of all, how to know exactly how many more minutes you have to endure a class period. Journal, it's appalling.
I mean when I came to Biola and started Torrey, I felt like the most unprepared person in the whole program. When I was accepted, based on my knowledge of my own schooling and skills, I thought the program was less credible because they accepted someone like me. I mean, they asked a question about "moral absolutes" and I had to google what that even was before I could begin to answer how it played a role in my life. I felt bad, it was like I had tricked them into thinking I was smart.
Journal, I think that they should make education more like Torrey, even for pathetic public schools like mine, they should make education like it was before 50 years ago when everything started to take trip on a downward slope. Maybe I wouldn't be sitting in this class writing a blog instead of paying attention because my mind has be brainwashed to not be able to care.

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