Saturday, October 31, 2009

happy halloween. no really.

So, here I am, Journal, finally able to sit down and do work that doesn't have to do with CandyDandyLand or little screaming children or people's last minute costumes and yet, even as I travel far from Alpha to work, everywhere people are dressed up in their this and that costumes, some have far more skin showing than should be, and others are just...creepy. There are the lovely select few who don't celebrate Halloween, hanging out in the caf with other non-believers (haha!), but I don't know any of them and so I just stay here and people watch and have people come by feeling sorry for me, but why? I'm doing what most do on any other day... I guess. Feel sorry for yourself when you have work to do tomorrow morning.

Well Journal, Voldemort just walked by and he has a cellphone and is talking in a much higher pitched voice than the original as he waves his wand around talking with whoever. And then someone I don't know in some weird outfit decided to try and scare me, and he just realized he doesn't know me either. So it was a combined reward of one) giving me a heart attack and two) making an awkward situation for the both of us. Well done sir, well done.

The benefit of all this, I'll probably get fat off the leftover candy this week, the little kids will have the time of there lives and best of all Journal, I don't have to clean up. Happy Halloween all!

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