Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Wish I Could Live At Disneyland!

I am so privileged having the "Happiest Place on Earth" a mere ten minute drive away. All I need is a ride there (R.I.P. Sadie), a few friends, and my handy-dandy season pass, and I am in for a night of joy and wonderful-ness. It might be the bonding time during hour and a half waits for popular rides, or the redeeming of our well earned money for a $5 bite of DoleWhip, or even the close knit community of thousands working together to get through Adventure Land without being stampeded upon that makes the experience of Disneyland one of a kind and quite unforgettable. Don't get me wrong Journal, the magical world does have it's problems too, but those are just little issues you forget as you gorge yourself on an $8 turkey leg.

Journal, do you get my point? I mean, what IS Disneyland really? Its more than a theme park. If your heart so desired you could live there. Get a job as a button pusher and learn how to make a small child smile, live in the nearby Disney hotel, buy your clothes in one of many specialty shops in the park, obviously eating is not an issue, and should you need a vacation, no problem just transfer to another Disney world. Or even better, climb aboard "It's a Small World" and you'll get all the way around the world in like, what, five minutes?

Journal, I do love Disneyland, even if I visit the place more often than I visit home, but really Disneyland is more than a theme park, in some cases it could be a lifestyle. I guess that would be the "Happiest Life on Earth!" But would it be? Disneyland is great for a getaway every now and then, but to be immersed in so much material goodness and live life in a object of bought joy, I think "happiness" would get old quick. Maybe some people dream about that, maybe that's where their heart is. But really, the song is "A dream is a wish your HEART makes", not "your wallet makes."

Until next time journal, be happy! :)

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