Saturday, October 31, 2009

happy halloween. no really.

So, here I am, Journal, finally able to sit down and do work that doesn't have to do with CandyDandyLand or little screaming children or people's last minute costumes and yet, even as I travel far from Alpha to work, everywhere people are dressed up in their this and that costumes, some have far more skin showing than should be, and others are just...creepy. There are the lovely select few who don't celebrate Halloween, hanging out in the caf with other non-believers (haha!), but I don't know any of them and so I just stay here and people watch and have people come by feeling sorry for me, but why? I'm doing what most do on any other day... I guess. Feel sorry for yourself when you have work to do tomorrow morning.

Well Journal, Voldemort just walked by and he has a cellphone and is talking in a much higher pitched voice than the original as he waves his wand around talking with whoever. And then someone I don't know in some weird outfit decided to try and scare me, and he just realized he doesn't know me either. So it was a combined reward of one) giving me a heart attack and two) making an awkward situation for the both of us. Well done sir, well done.

The benefit of all this, I'll probably get fat off the leftover candy this week, the little kids will have the time of there lives and best of all Journal, I don't have to clean up. Happy Halloween all!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wow, if they let ME in...

It's a very uninteresting experience sitting in a room for three hours twice a week as a teacher shows you all the cool things he can do with photoshop and flash player, expect you to learn from his greatness and then, when you don't, mark you down for some absurdity, like stuttering. I'm sorry, sir, I can't help it if I'm not the best speaker. Last time I checked, however, I'm an art major, not a powerpoint presentation major. But, I suppose I must be patient. Well journal, maybe this will turn into a Karate Kid thing, maybe these dumb assignments will make me be able to defend myself against the "dark arts..." Ok, sorry Journal.
But, I want to make a point about education in general Journal. I feel like even in this class, this boring almost unnecessary 1/8 of my day, I'm still learning more than I did in most classes in high school. I have found that in college Journal, school isn't about just getting by and getting a little better than "by" so you can go to a decent school. In high school, you basically learn: how to cheat, how to write an "A" paper on a book you read on SparkNotes, how to convince a teacher that they said the test was next week, and best of all, how to know exactly how many more minutes you have to endure a class period. Journal, it's appalling.
I mean when I came to Biola and started Torrey, I felt like the most unprepared person in the whole program. When I was accepted, based on my knowledge of my own schooling and skills, I thought the program was less credible because they accepted someone like me. I mean, they asked a question about "moral absolutes" and I had to google what that even was before I could begin to answer how it played a role in my life. I felt bad, it was like I had tricked them into thinking I was smart.
Journal, I think that they should make education more like Torrey, even for pathetic public schools like mine, they should make education like it was before 50 years ago when everything started to take trip on a downward slope. Maybe I wouldn't be sitting in this class writing a blog instead of paying attention because my mind has be brainwashed to not be able to care.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Wish I Could Live At Disneyland!

I am so privileged having the "Happiest Place on Earth" a mere ten minute drive away. All I need is a ride there (R.I.P. Sadie), a few friends, and my handy-dandy season pass, and I am in for a night of joy and wonderful-ness. It might be the bonding time during hour and a half waits for popular rides, or the redeeming of our well earned money for a $5 bite of DoleWhip, or even the close knit community of thousands working together to get through Adventure Land without being stampeded upon that makes the experience of Disneyland one of a kind and quite unforgettable. Don't get me wrong Journal, the magical world does have it's problems too, but those are just little issues you forget as you gorge yourself on an $8 turkey leg.

Journal, do you get my point? I mean, what IS Disneyland really? Its more than a theme park. If your heart so desired you could live there. Get a job as a button pusher and learn how to make a small child smile, live in the nearby Disney hotel, buy your clothes in one of many specialty shops in the park, obviously eating is not an issue, and should you need a vacation, no problem just transfer to another Disney world. Or even better, climb aboard "It's a Small World" and you'll get all the way around the world in like, what, five minutes?

Journal, I do love Disneyland, even if I visit the place more often than I visit home, but really Disneyland is more than a theme park, in some cases it could be a lifestyle. I guess that would be the "Happiest Life on Earth!" But would it be? Disneyland is great for a getaway every now and then, but to be immersed in so much material goodness and live life in a object of bought joy, I think "happiness" would get old quick. Maybe some people dream about that, maybe that's where their heart is. But really, the song is "A dream is a wish your HEART makes", not "your wallet makes."

Until next time journal, be happy! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thank you Chimes!

I would like to offer a moment of silence for the soon to be state of my dear Sadie. Within the month I'm sure she'll be shipped by the state of California to a junk yard where they will slice her and crunch her, crumple and cube her, and the car I spent years learning to drive in will look like a turd that would come from an oversized robot elephant.

Insert moment of silence here.

In other news, I have plenty to rant about Journal. My first order of business is, of course, to address a few issues the reside in my current residence, Biola University. Now obviously, THANK YOU LORD FOR BIOLA!!! But, it has come to my attention that they will be changing the mascot's costume from it's current lovable, yet fierce recognizable eagle that's snarl stirs passion in his people. Yes, they are changing it to a $4,000 air-conditioned, unstenched, brilliant colored, buffed up jersey complete with muscle suit and...wait what? MUSCLE SUIT?! Last time I checked, Journal, Eagles are known for their awesome "alpha bird" ness complete with NOT a muscle suit! I mean, c'mon?! What does that even mean? Has our Biola mascot been using the fitness center too, pumping some iron and getting ripped? Well, that's sounds nice...?

Moving on, recently the long awaited "Where the Wild Things Are" movie came to theatres and mixed opinions filled the cafe the day after it's premier. Personally, Journal, I have not seen this film, and most likely won't until I lottery or it comes to the blessed dollar theatre down the road. Until then, Journal, I can't really say anything about it, but anyone who has seen it should vote in the poll. That's all about that.

Well, Journal, that's actually all about anything I suppose. Life is good. GOD is good. And everyday brings something new. Whether it be the evidence of my weak ankles and clumsy height, or the few minutes I spend with someone in the bathroom helping them through one of the hardest times in their life, I always lean on the fact that as unimportant as the little things might seem, in the end, those little things make me who I am, and most likely who I will be. So, until next time friend, bye.