Monday, January 4, 2010

oh SO cliche.

Happy New Year Journal! I haven't written in a while, and today I don't feel like writing so much, but I still am going to. So, every year everyone tells themselves that this year they are going to make their resolutions and bla bla bla. And that is the cliche. Or, it was. Now we have the new cliche, and that is the "trying to not be cliche and if efforts of doing so become a cliche" group" and they are saying they aren't going to keep a resolution, so why make it? Why not when everyone asks just say some philosophical reason of how you are just going to do the best you can because you know what you need to do and by saying it you're not really doing anything for yourself. Thanks Tom Cruise....and on ward.
I've been thinking a lot lately about why I don't like cliches...and why everyone "doesn't either"...because being cliche really is just a fad. And that fad died, and now it's being original and being an individual that is the fad and so people are just flocking like sheeps to this idea of "being an individual"...but even being an individual is being cliche. WHAT IS BEING AN INDIVIDUAL?
And then Journal, God took over the blog. You see, we as humans are so insignificant and unimportant and whatever we do with our life is worthless without a God. But someone famous has not caught on to that yet, and so people don't understand it and are following the fads that rampage across culture. So what is the fad that people are missing? What is this popular culture that people haven't flung themselves into? It's living for God. No really, not the cliche living for God. Like ACTUALLY living for God. I haven't even fully grasped it, and I'm not sure anyone can fully except for like...JESUS. He was pretty much the coolest most individual person ever because really NO ONE can possibly be like Him. And so, can there possibly be an individual?
Well, first off, if you actually try and be like already are part of a small group. I don't care if that's offensive to you and you think that the "Christians" are a large and very prominent clan. They aren't. There are very few. In proportion to the rest of the world. And second off, here comes a blow to the head: WHO CARES?! Who cares if you are an individual? Do you think that if you are an individual that means that you're a better person or that you're more respectable because you don't give in to an idea and feel that you have to be apart from that. Don't be apart be a part! that's what Christianity is all about. Being a part of a community and of working together to accomplish not your will and desire to feel above it all, but God's will because He's actually above it all. Going out of your way to be different means that you care more about who YOU are/wannabe...and not who He is.
Journal, I could go into a lot more...but I'm going to stop here. It's not my place to tell people what they can and can't be. And that's not what I'm trying to do. I am trying to remind you what the bible says, what God wants you to be.
Until next time Journal, be different, be the yourself God wants you to be.

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