Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm bored, so God start your's BLOG time.

Hello Journal, usually I come to my blog site and I think do I REALLY want to write today? And then I realize I don't and I move on to Facebook. Well, since I'm kinda going on Facebook fast and trying not to consume my boredom away, and I felt like I should write a post, I got on. I wonder what I'll write today. Ok God, you can come in now.
Oh, haha, God IS amazing. Ok here it goes. So, going along with the boredom thing, I feel like sometimes we approach prayer like I do my blog. We think, do I really want to pray right now, and then we'll dismiss it because we don't feel like it right now...or something. Happens to me all the time. And so, God wants me to say something about prayer.
Prayer is interesting, you know? Like, if God really does know what's going to happen and already has a plan for us, then why are we praying for help? I mean you can praise him and all, but why ask god for anything if it's going to happen anyway? Well, I think that God wants us to pray because then we can see the works of His hand. And he also wants us to come to Him and repent, even if He knows we did it already. It's like this. Let's say that you do something bad and you mom knows already, but you go to her and tell her you did it, it's going to make the situation a lot better because then you build a trust between the both of you, even if you messed up. I think God wants us to tell Him everything because then WE build a trust in Him. Prayer is about us.
Yeah, I know Journal, that sounds super selfish, but really, God gave us a way to communicate with Him so that we can grow in our relationship and faith with Him. It's not all about telling Him what you've done wrong either, but you can come to Him and ask Him for what you NEED. Now, let's make it clear, that if you pray for something you already have you are wasting your time. Like praying that God will be with you....umm I'm pretty sure He's been with you before you even could say the word prayer, let alone know what it meant.
I think I'll wrap this up pretty soon, just needed something to do, but here's the deal. Keep praying, even when you don't feel like it. Tell God you don't feel like praying and tell Him that you want to want to pray. He'll understand, He knows we're only human and that as hard as we try to want to praise Him all day and be on spiritual Skype with Him, our minds goes elsewhere.
Ok, I'm done for now, Journal. Until next time, keep praying.

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