Sunday, December 27, 2009

not everyone is going to like me. oh. my. gosh.

Hello Journal, so I've realized that of late I have added a lot of depression ensuing or possibly...condemning blog posts that just show that I'm cynical, and I'm stupid. I mean really, I don't know anything. And all these blog posts could be are a way of me expressing how smart I think I am and loading a bunch of possible crap onto a wed page. Great. But then, I think about the fact that possibly nobody REALLY knows anything. And then I think, then what is the point of anything?! And then I remember that there is a god. And, so I will continue writing out of my butt, because since I have nothing else to do, I might as well talk about something I may or may not have any experience and/or knowledge of, but an opinion acting as if I do.

So, Journal, after that little side track, I want to talk about the fact that as hard as I try, not everybody is going to like me. I can love people as much as I want and I can put all the effort I possibly can into one person just thinking that I would be a worthwhile friend, and they will not budge. We are a fallen world I suppose, but it really hit me like a school bus when this epiphany came. I mean, of course not EVERYONE is going to like me. Now, certain people it's more obvious why they wouldn't like me....per say, terrorists...we have a few contrasting beliefs that would most likely put a damper on our friendship, but then there are those who I just cannot figure out.

And it's usually these people that I will try the hardest to get to know, because all I want is an explanation for myself. Ha! When I was younger (this year) I used believe that I had file cabinets in my head that I stored files on everyone I knew, and some people had one little file, and some people had a whole drawer. Now, there were people that it didn't matter how much I knew about them and sometimes I knew way too Orlando Bloom...I was young. And then there were people that I would do ridiculous things like, friend them on FaceBook and ask them where I knew them from just to start a potential "I know you" thing. It wasn't because I WANTED to look like I was stalking them or even worse LIKED them, it was just because I like to know people and I want people to want to know me. Am I conceited? We are a fallen world.

Journal, possibly my tweeny antics of getting to know pretty much technologically (virtually?) bumping into them to make them aware of my existence so that we would be acquaintances is a little over board, but it's worked before and now I've realized that if it doesn't work every time, it doesn't just mean that I'm still freakish, but it also demonstrates that not everyone will be my friend. And Journal, I'm okay with that.

Until next time Journal, be everyone! :) Wanna be friends?

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